Customizing Severity Levels in Kintaba

Product Updates
September 2, 2020

Sometimes you need more than just SEV1 - SEV3 and now Kintaba lets you customize your levels' titles and descriptions to fit perfectly with your company or team's incident management process!

Customizable severity levels let you:

Customize your team's incident process:
Keep it simple with SEV1, SEV2... or include other levels like INFO or NEARMISS

Help your team pick the right level for the incident:
Customized severity level descriptions appear in the incident creation screen to help your incident reporters pick the right level for the incident at hand.  They're also available for all viewers as a tooltip within the active incident to keep responders and subscribers on the same page about the meaning of the assigned level.

Try customizable severity levels today by accessing the admin panel of your Kintaba instance!

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