Introducing Incident Tags

Product Updates
September 22, 2020

This week the Kintaba team is excited to announce an update to the incident tagging system to make it easier than ever to connect your incidents to services, categories, or any other metadata you'd like to track in a structured and consistent way.

A more organized way to manage and use tags:

Pre-defined structure:
Incident tags are pre-defined on the admin panel's tags page so everyone in your organization sees the same tag options and your categorization structure stays consistent across teams.

Editable at any moment:
You can attach incident tags when creating a new incident and easily change them out while the incident is live, or even after the incident is closed.

Integrated with Slack:
Incident tags can be added via the /kintaba create command and then edited with the /kintaba update command, keeping your slack responders in a familiar interface at all times.

Easy search:
Incidents can be filtered by tag on the advanced search bar on the incidents page or from the global search bar.  You can also search tags using our API endpoint (contact us for more details).

Set up incident tags for your company today by logging into Kintaba and accessing the Admin panel or learn more in our docs!

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