Introducing an Improved Email Integration ...and other integration updates too!

Product Updates
December 9, 2020

Email is the great equalizer when it comes to APIs-- almost universally every system, and certainly every human, can send an email, so we've been working hard to improve the Kintaba email integration to be more flexible for teams and companies that rely on it.

Today, alongside a few other integration updates, we're introducing a set of specific enhancements to our email integration that will give you more flexibility to declare incidents via email effectively.

A more flexible email integration for declaring incidents:

Support for multiple custom email addresses:
Admins can now configure multiple email addresses for an instance, each with a unique address, by adding the Email Integration multiple times from the integrations page.

SEV levels definable per email address:
Each email integration can now have a specific SEV level defined, which will be assigned to incidents created from emails sent to that address.  This means you can more easily connect alerting systems of different severities into Kintaba at the same time!

Other integration updates:

Slack channel date prefixes:
We've heard from a number of users the desire to order slack channels by date rather than alphabetically (slack's default).  To allow this, the Slack integration now supports date prefixes.  Learn more

Zendesk GraphQL Target:
Did you know Zendesk (along with many other cloud services) can talk to Kintaba directly via our graphQL endpoint? We've added a new guide to show you how to add Kintaba as a graphQL target in Zendesk.

Want to try it out?  Head over to your integrations library and add a new Email Integration or learn more in our docs.

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